Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month + Pinkini!
Every day in Australia, four women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and three will die from the disease?! This statistic is shocking and as a company which a huge focus on Brazilian Waxing and dealing with your lovely lady parts we feel it’s an incredibly important issue to talk about – it’s time for action Ladies!
We decided what a better way to raise awareness then to donate the $1 from our newest Brazilian waxing superstar, Pinkini Brazilian Hybrid Hot Wax. Over the course of February, we contacted our international agents, distributors and salons to not only order our Pinkini Brazilian Hot Wax in support, but also to spread the word and generate awareness about this issue.
We would like to thank everyone who purchased a Pinkini Brazilian Hybrid Hot Wax over awareness month and also to any of our LYCON lovers who spread awareness about the with the family, friends and customers. Due to you love for LYCON and support for ovarian cancer, we were able to make a sizeable donation to Ovarian Cancer Australia which will go towards more research and hopefully finding a cure.
Happy Brazilian Waxing xx